Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mom of The Year Award

And today's Mom of The Year Award goes to...ME!!

"OH gee...THANK YOU! I didn't even try!!" ***

***By didn't even try, I totally mean that I didn't look outside when dressing my kids for the park. I didn't go onto to see what the temperature was outside while dressing my kids for the park. I also didn't look at the temperature-reader-thingy that we have hanging on our back porch to see how warm (or cold) it was outside while dressing my kids for the park. I was much more concerned with having diapers and bottles and sippy cups and snacks. At the last minute, I did throw in a hat for Charlie.

Let me just tell you what it IS like outside today in Northwest Indiana.

Temperature: a balmy 74 degrees
Wind: from the north gusting at 24 mph
Wind Chill: -150 degrees

We decided to go home when Sam's lips turned blue and she started pointing at the parking lot and saying, "Go! Go!"

I tried.

1 comment:

Mary said...

She was fine otherwise she'd have been screaming the whole time. I think she was just tired and ready to go home. It was great to see you!