16. My car. I have a black Toyota Sienna with tan (some might call it gray) leather interior. I love the way it drives, the space it has for our family, and how clean it is when Workaholic spills a Red Bull in it and spends hours cleaning it.
17. I am thankful for Workaholic's job. When work is good, everything is good. (except for my sanity) Work is very good right now.
18. My store credit cards. Because when I spend money on them, they send me coupons and free money. Fun!
19. My house. I know, I've bitched about it a lot. It is a lot to take care of. But so is any place you rest your head. I love the closets and the basement and the bonus room and my bathroom. Oh...my bathroom. I LOVE not having to share a vanity with Workaholic.
20. A list like this would not be complete without mentioning health. I am healthy. My husband is healthy. My kids are healthy. My parents are healthy (as far as I know...they don't like to talk about medical things) My sisters and their husbands and their children are healthy. Hell, even my pets are healthy. So yeah, I am thankful for that.
21. The iPad. Sam loves it. Like, loves it. We can use it as a babysitter, a reward, a punishment, a goal for her. I would never pay $500 for something like that for my kid to play on, but it was a gift, so YAY!
22. Food. Especially Thanksgiving food. Anything bland colored. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, corn, dumplings, Tiebel's rolls, ice burg lettuce salad, and ranch dressing. Apparently sweet potatoes are pretty awesome too, but I can't say I eat those.
23. My neighborhood. While no place is absolutely perfect, there is a plethora of kids in my neighborhood. My neighbors are friendly and I would have no problem calling some of them and asking them to go into my house and check on something. It is safe and clean and we have a nice, big yard. What more can you ask?
24. Invisible Fence. Yep, Fonz sticks around to our house no problem. Kale? Not so much, he is a social butterfly with no regard to boundaries. The money I spent installing the Invisible Fence was worth it's weight in gold. I don't have to worry about Kale chasing golfers or my neighbor's kids (who are terrified of dogs) or, um, pooping, in someone else's yard.
25. Blogs. They fill my day and give me lots of crazy conversations that go something like... "I read a blog where a girl picked up and moved to Alaska in 3 weeks," or "A woman on a blog I read had triplets and depended on social media to not lose her mind...and I think it worked!:, or how another woman randomly got an idea and raised $20,000 to help families have a happy Thanksgiving. All from her blog. I doubt that others like dooce, Heather, or Mama Kat even know that I exist or read the stuff they write religiously. There are others like Pamela, Amber, and Jennifer who know I read their stuff. We all try to put ourselves out there, and we support each other, and really...who knew that complete strangers in far away places could do that for you?
26. WordFeud.
27. The recall function in Outlook. When you send an e-mail that you know is really shitty, you can try to recall it before the receiver knows what a total bitch you are. Actually, I really like the calendar in Outlook too. It is synced to my phone, which usually makes life helpful.
Stay tuned folks...only 3 more things to be thankful for. I better make them good! (hint:one of them is not my Starbucks barista)
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