Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My First Guest Post!!!!

OMGOMGOMG...I have my first guest posting assignment!! (For those of you who only read me, i.e. awesome family members, a guest post is when a blogger posts on someone else's blog.)

Pamela, over at 2 Much Testosterone (go read her, she is kick ass!), is letting me ramble on over there. So please click over, give me some comment love, and then keep reading her stuff. She is one. funny. lady. 

Then...come back here. Because I have more to add to the topic of mommy guilt and multiple kids, but it has to wait until tomorrow. See ya'll then!


Rebecca said...

GOOD JOB!! I left a comment. It was so well written!

Pamela Gold said...

I'm wicked excited to have you! Your post is very thought provoking.